TAG Program

MMCRU Tag Program Goals

  • The program will enable students to become self-directed learners who will naturally employ thinking, research, and learning skills.

  • The program will develop within each individual a desire for excellence, a sense of individual worth, and a responsibility to self and to society.

  • The program will provide support for teachers of academically gifted students.

  • The program will provide varying levels of services to address the different needs of the identified students. This includes pull-out programming, enrichment, subject-area acceleration, and advanced course options.

  • As needed, the program will modify delivery of instruction for students by accelerating and/or providing for greater depth, more complex content, and enrichment activities.

Third and Fourth Grade Students

Iowa Assessments are the first consideration. Children take these tests in the fall. The scores will be analyzed. A composite score in the mid to upper 90’s is generally the first indication of a TAG student or a score of 90 or above in one or more of the two core subjects (Reading and Math).

Teachers fill out a checklist for each student in class. The teacher then uses the checklist to help identify children in class that show signs of being talented and gifted. Characteristic forms are then filled out by the teacher on the students that they determine in the areas of learning, motivation, and creativity.

Grades are considered. Grades will be evaluated to determine if students are proficient and excelling in the classroom.

Second Grade Students

  • Iowa Assessments are the first consideration. Children take these tests in the fall. The scores will be analyzed. A composite score in the mid to upper 90’s is generally the first indication of a TAG student or a score of 90 or above in one or more of the two core subjects (Reading and Math).

  • Teachers fill out a checklist for each student in class. The teacher then uses the checklist to help identify children in class that show signs of being talented and gifted.

  • Characteristic forms are then filled out by the teacher on the students that they determine in the areas of learning, motivation, and creativity. In the spring, students in first grade are given the Cognitive Abilities Test (CoGat Form 7). There are three areas of the test. Children that score 120 in one or more areas of the test are considered for the TAG program.